Saturday, December 31, 2011

Setting goals & being disciplined

God has really put on my heart to write a daily devotional.  This is exciting and also terrifying.  I don't tend to think of myself as one that sets goals and actually completes them to the end.  But, the more I thought about this, I realized that it will definitely challenge me to spend time with God every day.  I have to admit that I don't always make the time for God every single day as I should.  I know that when I do have time with Him, my day is absolutely better because I am controlled by the Spirit and not by my own flesh. 

We are about to begin a new year---2012.  Many people will make New Year's resolutions  to usually change bad habits and within a few weeks they will......well, fail, to put it bluntly.  Why do so many fail when they have good intentions and a desire to make healthier changes into their life?  That is a question I ask myself so often.  I have been battling my own bad habits for most of my life and I am failing constantly to achieve success.  I know in my mind what to do.  I need to choose healthier foods and I need to exercise.  I fail because I do not have a plan.  I've heard a little saying, "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail."   This past year, I realized that my 16 year old daughter, is a goal-setter, and she has been practicing this her entire life.  She has repeatedly set goals and worked to achieve them.  In the past 2 years, she has lost over 70 lbs.  As I have had observed her journey, I have seen her times of frustration and her times of success. There were days that she had to plan what she was going to eat, but most importantly, she realized that the weight was not going to come off unless she worked it off with daily exercise.  That meant that she had to plan every day when she could fit in her time of exercise.   DISCIPLINE.  This is what I lack.  This word is also linked to the word disciple.  I like to think of myself as being a disciple of Christ, but exactly what does that mean? describes disciple as a follower of Christ, and  discipline as an activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.  So, this is what I want to be....a true disciple of Christ....and disciplined because I want to be in training.  I believe that by writing a daily blog or devotional, this will help me draw closer to Him.  I used to be an AWANA leader, and our key verse was 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."   Dear Lord, Thank you for creating me and providing me with all that I ever need.  You are wonderful and worthy of praise!  I desire to be your disciplined disciple and I can not do that alone.  As we begin a new year, give me strength to be all that You desire of me.  Change me to have a heart only for You. May You receive all the glory & praise! I love you! Amen!  

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