Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A joy AND a pain

Growing in Christ can be a joy and a pain.  Obviously, we receive joy because we are becoming more like Christ, understanding God's ways better and putting our own ways behind us.  Oh, but the pain! The pain of change. The heart breaking pain.  We are often afraid of change because we are comfortable with the way things are right now, or we have a fear of the unknown.  We are not promised a guarantee that the situation will work out the way WE WANT.  We must remember that God's ways are always best.  I've never been disappointed in His plans.   I've read stories & heard stories when other people go through situations that seem unbearable.  When we read the wonderful lessons of many Biblical people, the Bible doesn't always go into detail on the thoughts & feelings those people experienced.  The truth is that our trials will change us.  We can either grow better or bitter.  How many times have we heard of another person's terrible stories and we are amazed at their strength & courage because we may think that if we went through that same situation, we would fall apart?  In our weakness , we are made strong in Christ.  HE ALONE is the source of our strength!  In fact, at my church, Thomas Road Baptist Church, the words, "Not I, But Christ", are highlighted on the back wall behind our choir on Sunday mornings.  Our pastor, Jonathan Falwell, said that when his dad Jerry Falwell, passed away 5 years ago, Jonathan began to think about how he could not continue on following in  his dad's footsteps in the pastoring of the church.  His inspiration was the words--"Not I, but Christ".  Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."   There are a number of examples of personal trials I could share here.  I have had a number of times in my life where I poured more into a relationship than the other person.  In my own flesh, I would have given up on these relationships.  It is tiring & draining to be the only one communicating when another person seems to be shutting you out.  I would have definitely given up and said obviously this person(s) does not want me to be a part of their life anymore.  But, because I loved God with all my heart and I knew that God loved this person too, I did not give up.  It was painful to feel rejection.  I never knew if that person would ever come around to communicating with me anymore.  I just knew that when I meet God one day, He could not be disappointed because I gave up trying.   So, I encourage any friend reading this (including myself) to keep pressing on toward the high calling God has for each of us.  Even through the pain you may be going through, keep working through it and asking God daily for the strength to do what He desires of us.  
1 Peter 4:12-13 "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy."

Dear Heavenly Father,
I love You and adore You.  When there is no one I can trust, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can completely trust You.  Thank you for providing so generously for me and my family.  Thank you for loving us unconditionally.  May your Holy Spirit work in the lives of every member of my immediate and extended family, my friends & loved ones, and all the read this devotion.  Change my heart, O God!  Make it ever new!  Change my heart, O God! May I be like You!   You know my downsitting & my uprising and are aquainted with all my ways. (Psalm 139:2-3)  I long to hear You say "Well done my good & faithful servant!"   In the precious name of Jesus, I pray. AMEN!

Christ--our coach, The Holy Bible is our playbook, We are the "team"

7-18-12.pngI (Valorie) did not write the following devotional.  It was written by a lady from the Tuesday Bible study at my church.  I felt it was quite worthy of reposting.  

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” John 13:14-16(ESV)
Ever wanted a private tutor for life? How about someone who would coach you on the fundamentals and help you understand the team strategy? We have the best coach ever - Christ Himself. When you study His ministry, you’ll see He led by example and left behind the best playbook. He didn’t pick a certain economic background to minister to; He helped everyone. He also didn’t place a lot of emphasis on material things; He was basically homeless. He was the King of Kings but had no problem being the servant washing someone’s feet.
Below are some keys to living the Christian life as exemplified by Christ Himself:
  • Have a quiet time every day-Mark 1:35
  • Serve others and never think more highly of yourself- John 13:14-16
  • Love one another-John 13:33
  • It’s okay to grieve and cry-John 11:35
  • Don’t judge others-John 8:7
  • Be obedient to God’s will-Luke 22:42
The Bible is our guidebook through life. It’s better than Barnes & Noble because in one book you have love stories, poetry, history, self-help, marriage, parenting, and relationship advice. We just have to take the time to study it and get the tips directly from our Coach on how to live the Christian life.
“Dear God, Thank You for being our coach, mentor, teacher, and tutor by sending Your Son to be the example to follow. May we study His life and strive to live it out in our own lives.”
For His Glory
Katrina RedmanTRBC Coffee Break

Monday, July 16, 2012

Setting goals & changing habits........this sounds like a topic for a New Year's Resolution.  It's really the story of my life.  I feel like I can never get out of my bad habits & permanently adopt new ones....healthier eating, daily exercise and of course daily Bible study & prayer.  But, I was inspired this morning to read that our church's Women's Ministry Leader & a few others are doing a 21 day challenge and I thought that was perfect for me to do too!   My Sunday School teacher, Dr. Elmer Towns, even spoke on setting goals yesterday--the short term & the long term goals.  He used Joshua & the Israelites as example in Joshua 1:10-11 "And Joshua commanded the leaders of Israel, 'Go tell the people to prepare food and get everything else ready because in 3 days (short term goal) we will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land God has given to us." (long term goal).    
 Here's some reminders on our goals.
Our Short Term Goals:
1. Walking in obedient fellowship gives us confidence. "If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin." I John 1:7
2. Grow through the scriptures. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105
3. Practice all kinds of prayer, worship, communion, fellowship, request, intercession for others, thanksgiving, and fasting.
4. Share your faith with others.
5. Know the enemy and principles of spiritual warfare.
6. Be spiritually victorious. "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place." 2 Corinthians 2:14

Our Long Term Goals:
1. Find and follow God's plan for your life. Romans 12:1-2
2. Write out spiritual and natural goals
3. Grow in personal discipline and effective service.
4. Expect opposition and trials (James 1:2-4)
5. Finish well! 

Why are goals important?  They challenge us to press ahead and do better, to change.  As believers, that is exactly what we need to be doing every day.  We need to continue growing in Christ, doing better, and changing to be more like Him.  We know that we will never reach perfection and be completely Christlike in all our ways.  This is not to discourage us.  It is actually a relief to know that I do not have to be perfect for God to love me & accept me into His family.  I simply know that the greatest blessings & even wisdom is found through obedience.  God doesn't tell us to be obedient when we "feel" like it, or when it seems right in our own eyes.  We are to always be obedient, even when we don't "feel" like it.  As Romans 12 speaks of running a race and finishing well.........that is exactly what I want to do.  It is a challenge for sure.  My body, my personal desires are to do my own thing.   Lord, forgive me and give me the strength & perseverence to make every day & every moment count for You!   21 days.......I CAN do it through Christ---who gives ME strength! 

Lord, I thank you for loving me more than any person could ever love me.  May my thoughts be 24/7 towards You.  Consume me from the inside out.  May I think of You as I am making food choices, may I think of You as I purposely choose to exercise my body that is Your temple, and may I think of You as I pray & talk to you continually about concerns & requests, just as we talk to a best friend & tell them our innermost thoughts.  I pray for Lisa, Cheryl & Lynn who are also on this 21 Day Commitment that You are speaking to them & encouraging them & strengthening them in body, mind & spirit.  In Jesus name, Amen!