Thursday, March 1, 2012

Willing to Yield?

When we think of yielding, we usually think of those traffic signs that are upside down triangles, where we are supposed to stop if necessary to allow another driver at their approach to proceed.  We definitely want to obey this traffic rule, to avoid an accident.  However, in our Christian life, do we remember to yield as well? 

James 3:17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

Wisdom is from above, as God freely gives it to us.  James began his letter in 1:5 simply stating "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." 

As a follower of Christ, I want wisdom!  I don't want to do dumb things that will cause me stress & frustration. So, I will ask God to bless me with His wisdom, to know what to do in all situations---even during those times when I need a quick response and I don't have time to pray.  James tells us that God's wisdom is pure, peaceable and gentle.   Pure = free from contamination.  Peaceable = to avoid strife, not argumentative.  Gentile =kind, mild, not severe or rough.   When I think about those words, I know that I definitely want lots of God's wisdom!  We hear enough negative language in our day to day adventures, that this kind of wisdom is refreshing.  Then, we come to the "willing to yield" portion.  I pondered a number of minutes on the times during the day when we have opportunities to be "willing to yield".  Of course, there is the obvious, as mentioned at the beginning, when I referred to driving, but there are times of opening a door for someone and letting them enter first, or even the kindness of letting someone with less items go ahead of you in a checkout line.  What about in conversations; are we willing to yield and let someone else have their turn to talk?  In an argument, are we willing to listen to the other person and how they feel? 
The greatest example of yielding was portrayed by Jesus. Matthew 27:50 "And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit."  Jesus knew that His purpose was fulfilled as He was willingly surrendering His life for the sake of you and me.  Thank you precious Lord, for yielding for me!
But wait! There's still more to this verse.  God's wisdom is full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.   Mercy = compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power.  Think on that for a moment.  God's wisdom is full of mercy.  It is compassionate.  This isn't just a compassion shown toward those we love.  Nope. That is way too easy.  Anyone can do that.  We, who call ourselves Christians or believers are different.  God's wisdom is without partiality, which means that we are not to favor one over another or show a preference or liking.  We are to love & show mercy to the unlovable.  We are to show mercy to the ones that are in need, and we are to do it without expecting anything in return. We are not to do this for approval of others or a pat on the back  or our own praise.  We do this in the name of Jesus, who demonstrated mercy to us.  Let us not be hypocrites that say we love God, but we fail to love our neighbor.  True wisdom is shown just in our daily living.  God will bring into our paths and lay on our hearts the dear people that we can pour mercy & love upon.  If God blesses you financially, then help those in need.  Perhaps you can do this anonymously.  It doesn't matter who gets the credit---God blessed you with the resources, didn't he?  If money is tight, then simply bring value to people with words.  Find worth in people and bring them dignity.  Verbally tell someone something that will encourage them, or even take some time to write a note.   You may be thinking, that you can't do this.....especially if you are doing it for a stranger or an enemy.  That's the great thing about God.....He can do it through you!  Our enemies are people too that deal with hurts, pain, & stress.  In our flesh, we may not want to give them the time of day.  Pray and let God use you to reach out, trusting that God will heal the many issues they have and eventually heal the heart of that person!  

"Lord, You are so amazing and Your love is endless! Thank you for showering me with love and wisdom and all good gifts that You want to  abundantly bless us with.  I pray for my friends & family that we are all growing closer to You and walking in obedience every day with hearts being changed and conformed to be Christlike.  I pray for the enemies of each of my friends & family members, that You are also working in their hearts.  With God ALL things are possible! With all the evil going on in this world, we must remember that You are in control and will make all things new and good.  We trust You alone and praise You for all that You have done, are still working on, and will be doing in the days we have yet to see! AMEN!"  

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